Warriors of the Lakota serves to reunite all men of this nation with a healing process, and brings about a much needed stronger sense of identity to all Lakota communities.

Who Are Warriors?
Warriors are humans who transcend their own human nature. They move in mysterious ways with an abandonment of self. They are a committed band of brothers (in most cases) bound to one another through purpose-driven lives.

Warriors have a sense of wonder about them. They and their ways serve as a kind of "Spiritual Liaison" since they are mindful of the power and influence they provide through the inspiration of leadership. It is this walk, this fraternal accord, in league of solidarity and belief who give themselves to a complete conviction of their own beliefs ... and believe they can make a difference.

Warriors not only support and protect, they build and sustain. They are the force within a force that reinforces an invisible force. They stir the emotional well-being by transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary and do so through the fortunes of truth.

And, because truth is the silent witness of morality, he ... his essence ... each Lakota Warrior once stood guard as a sentinel figure, community organizer and stand of leadership against all enemies, cheaters, liars, and thieves!



Valerie Shangreaux
In the beginning, much the same way that Sacajawea served as an emissary and leading force for the Lewis and Clark expedition, Valerie Shangreaux offered the same kind of working relationship with John Connolly. Connolly's first visit to Pine Ridge took place in 1976 and it was Valerie who first befriended him and played a major role in paving the way for his successful future among the Lakota.

Francis Shangreaux
Francis, father of Valerie Shangreaux, took Connolly under his guidance during a seven year period. Connolly lived with Shangreaux during his trips to Pine Ridge and it was this mentoring relationship that took Connolly to the homes of many of the most respected Lakota Leaders of the 20th Century.

Matthew Eagle Heart
Matthew, who's grandfather was Big Elk, noted warrior at the battle of the Little Big Horn and close personal confidant to Crazy Horse, explained to Connolly on many occasions how the heritage from the past links the way to the future.